For corrections to site American Legion Riders (ALR) information, contact:
ALR Director, Katie Lacy at: (410) 652-9416 or
ALR CO-Director, Cindy Becker at: (804) 896-0792
You can also drop me a note and leave it at the social quarters Legion Rider's Box (behind the Bar).
Please be specific about your entries. Whatever information you ask to be changed, edited, or added, will be checked for clarity, content, sanity. If you send photos, please send as a JPEG. No CELLULAR Phone shots - they are too small.
I'll be collecting any photos of previous RIDES to post on our web page. If you have any you would like to share, please e-mail me or give me a call. Make it fun by explaining or adding the event, where it took place, date, and people involved.