
J. Thompson Wyatt Post 2, Inc.




Want to share information with

other members and friends across the world? 

Mail your comments, suggestions and photos to the e-mail address below.

I will make every effort to respond to your request as soon as possible.



When submitting an article for publication to the Post web site,

please follow these protocols and guidelines.


Required Protocol

Submit the following required information, preferably by e-mail to lk.lacy@gmail.com in a digital format or place a printed copy in the mail bin “BOX 12” in the social room at our Post.  

Always provide your first and last name, a contact phone number and what entity of Post 2 you are submitting this for:

              Ladies Auxiliary

              Sons of the American Legion

              The American Legion Riders.

There is no deadline when submitting information for the Post web site.

Guidelines for Submitting Articles and Photos

Please do your best to follow these guidelines when submitting articles or photos for publication in the Post 2 web site. Newsletters and the web site are official publications of American Legion, Post 2 and we reserve the right to accept and edit all submissions for publication.

1. Have a positive message. Readers respond best to factually correct messages containing positive information about the Post. When writing your article please remember to use the principal, "Praise in public, criticize in private" to guide you.

2. Include the facts necessary for our readers to fully understand your message. The following excerpt from Rudyard Kipling's poem "The Elephant's Child" is good advice on how to ensure the facts are provided.

"I kept six honest serving men, They taught me all I knew, Their names are Why and What and When, And How and Where and Who."

In journalism, this information is essential to consider a report complete. The principle underlying the maxim is that each question should elicit a factual answer — these facts are necessary to provide our readers a complete report. Importantly, none of these questions can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". Sometimes all these questions cannot be answered prior to the newsletter being published. When possible please do your best to answer them all.

3. When using an acronym in your article, such as PUFL, please define the acronym the first time you use it. Example, Paid Up For Life (PUFL) members . . . " This will help ensure everyone understands the meaning of the acronym.

4. Most people love to see their name in print; however, only when correctly spelled. Please submit the full names (first and last name) of people correctly spelled. If you are not certain, just indicate with (sp?) after the name.

5. In articles submitted electronically, use normal upper/lower case text (Arial – 12 pitch) for the whole article. Text in all upper case makes editing the article more difficult.

6. Dates always use figures, without "st," "rd" or "th": "The committee will meet Monday, December 12."

7. Time, use figures, except for "noon" and "midnight": 11 a.m. (not 11:00 or 1100 hours) 3:30 p.m. (not 15:30 hours). Having a consistent presentation of time reduces confusion.

8. All submissions for publication are edited for spelling, grammar, composition and style. If articles contain significant errors they will be returned to the author/editor for corrections. Proof is sent to those submitting articles electronically. Pay close attention to your documents, it is your last chance to make corrections prior to posting to our website.

9. Flyers: Clearly display the location or address of the activity. As our flyers receive distribution outside of our Post (VFW, newspapers, Senior Groups, Neighboring Legion Posts, etc.), our Post address may not be known to them.

10. Pictures/Photos: Send photos via e-mail or provide a disk with the captions you want to share with our viewers.  You may send PDF or JPEG files (no cellular phone photos) and I can edit the size for posting to the COMMUNITY GALLERY folder in our website.


Thank you for your understanding and support for our members!

Katie Lacy
