
J. Thompson Wyatt Post 2, Inc.




flag6.gifEligibility and Membership flag6.gif

Membership in the Auxiliary  for those who have direct personal connection with service in World Wars I and all Wars

Dec. 7, 1941, to the present

Korean War June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955

Vietnam War February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975

Lebanon/Grenada August 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984

Panama December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990

Operation Desert Shield/Storm

Gulf War/War on Terrorism August 2, 1990 to date of cessation

U.S. Merchant Marines Served between December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946




The only authorized form of membership is active membership, of which there are two classes --- Senior and Junior. Granting special or honorary membership for any purpose or reason whatsoever is prohibited. Junior members are defined as that group under the age of eighteen years. Upon reaching eighteen years of age, junior members shall automatically be admitted into senior membership with full privileges. However, a member under the age of eighteen years who is married shall be classified as a senior member. Once accepted as Senior Auxiliary members, these members may continue their membership from year to year whether or not their veteran relatives continue membership in The American Legion.

The fact that a member’s service relative is no longer a member of The American Legion does not compel the Auxiliary member to lose her Auxiliary membership. The phrase “died in the line of duty,” applies to all those persons who were killed in action, died of wounds or disease, were killed by accident or otherwise came to their death other than as a result of their own misconduct. In case of doubt, the Adjutant General of the Army, or the Navy Department, Washington, D.C., can advise if the person was considered to have died in the line of duty.

 The term “spouse” as used in the eligibility clause, does not necessarily mean the spouse occupied that status at the time thier husband or Wife was in war service. Any spouse who marries a member of The American Legion at any time is eligible for membership in the Auxiliary. The term “spouse” also includes widows. In 1970, by Constitutional action of The American Legion, grand daughters were first admitted to membership. In 1987, by Constitutional action of The American Legion, great grand daughters were admitted to membership. In 1995, by Constitutional action of The American Legion, grandmothers were admitted to membership.



PRESIDENT - Cindy Becker

1st Vice - Marsha Fields

2nd Vice - Cindy Busby

TREASURER - Patricia Phelps

SECRETARY - Nita Adams Guilliams

CHAPLAIN - Cheryl McBee

HISTORIAN - Amanda Bishop

SGT-AT-ARMS - Tammy Daneily






Auxiliary General Membership meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6:00  PM